An exploration in warmth, tone, light, and life.

There are four aetheric forces; these forces affect the human body as much as they do the Earth.

Each aether is associated with one of the four elements; fire, air, earth, and water.

These elemental forces support all human life.

They color each and every experience on this planet.

Each aether provides insight into the stages of life: growth, ageing, transformation and progression.

I observe my surroundings, the landscapes of my inner and outer worlds and create from a lens of phenomenology. I study life, light, tone, temperature and paint how I experience them.

In my practice, I experiment with the symbiotic nature of each aethers’ expression through digital and analog mediums.

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2021, digital painting

An Unearthing

2021, digital painting


2021, digital painting


2021, digital painting

In Your Honor

2021, digital painting


2021, digital painting